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Docman 75500.16


GP2GP - Import/Export Locations (Scotland Specific)

The import and export paths can now be changed from the default (c:\elinks\docman\[practice code]\[import/export]) in one of two ways. A single drive letter can be specified as the root drive for the default path (x:\...) or a full path can be specified as the import and export path (\\hostname\...). This configuration is carried out by Microtech.

Collaborator - Unread Discussions

Changes have been made to ensure users who are not included in a private message do not get new message notifications. Additionally, users are no longer alerted of a new message if they have created or updated it.

Collaborator - Private Messages

A change has been made to ensure that a recipient is added whenever private messages are sent.

Reports - Secondary Care Report

A Secondary Care Report has been added to the Reporting module. This can now be used instead of the Document Report.

Reports - Workflow Reports

Two new reports have been added to show documents' workflow status. These reports are called 'Document Workflow Status Report (CHI)' and 'Document Workflow Status Report (NHS)'. This can now be used instead of the Document Report.

Reports - New Reports

Two reports have been added. These are 'Document Clinically Filed Report', which can be used to see when documents have been filed to the Clinical System, and 'Document Folder Report', which details the folder a document has been filed in.


Filing - Simultaneous Filing Users

Errors were encountered in Batch Manager when two users were filing and annotating a batch. These errors have now been resolved.

Workflow - Forwarded Workflows - "User is Null"

When forwarding a workflow from another user's intray using a workflow view, an error occurred. The recipient of the forwarded workflow would see a "User is null" error in the Workflow Activity Pane. This is now fixed.

Workflow - Copy/Paste Workflow Notes 

An issue was identified with the Activity Pane in Workflow. Text in the Activity Pane could not be selected and then copied as it could in previous versions. This has been fixed by enabling users to copy the information from the activity pane using a 'Copy history to clipboard' option.

Summarising - Multi-Value Read Codes

An issue was identified when users were selecting the incorrect Read Code type for Blood Pressure in Summariser. A message has been added which prompts the user to add a Read Code from the Values list.

SCI Store - Patient Section Designation

An issue was identified when attaching documents from SCI Gateway.If the Patients section had a different ID number, the import would not work. This is now fixed.

Scheduler - UNC Paths

An issue was identified with the Scheduler configuration in Docman 75500, in which Scheduler would not file EDT Collections if the EDT Inbox was configured with a UNC path. This is now fixed.

Patient Synchronisation (INPS Aeros Sites)

An issue was identified when running a patient synchronisation on INPS sites using Aeros. The patient synchronisation would occasionally fail with a "Failed to open database connection" error. This is now fixed.

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