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Docman 75500.17


Collaborator - New Discussion - Privacy Options

When creating an initial discussion, the note must be public and therefore the options to make the initial note private and to notify specific participants of changes have been removed. These options appear when adding further notes to the discussion.


Collaborator - Private Messages - Unread Status

An issue was identified when sending private messages. The discussion would appear as unread when a private message was added, regardless of whether the user had sent the private message. This is now fixed, and users are only notified of private messages if they are a recipient.

Collaborator - Sending Replies - Unread Status

An issue was identified when sending replies to discussions (instead of adding a note). The read/unread ‘envelopes’ were not displaying correctly, with discussions sent being marked as unread in the sender’s list. This is now fixed.

GP2GP - EMIS PCS Connection

An issue was identified with the GP2GP Import/Export process. Docman was reinitialising and then closing the connection with EMIS PCS for each step. This is now fixed, and the GP2GP Import/Export reuses the existing connection for all steps of the process.

GP2GP - Import/Export Subfolders

A change was made in 75500.16 which allowed import/export paths to be specified. This did not add the required Import, Export, HL7Import and HL7Export subfolders into the specified folder. This is now fixed.

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