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Docman 75500.7 - Fixes Only


BackOffice - Library - Document Revisions - Word Documents

An issue was identified when viewing revisions on Word documents filed into the BackOffice Library. Attempting to view revisions would generate an error. This is now fixed.

Document Viewer/Workflow - Document Revisions - Word Documents

An issue was identified when viewing revisions of a .DOC document in Document Viewer or Workflow. This is now fixed.

Workflow - Browse Documents - Word Documents

An issue was identified when using the Browse Documents function in Workflow on a .DOC document. The Document Viewer would load, but displayed an error stating that the file could not be accessed. This is now fixed.

Batch Manager/Document Viewer - Word Documents

An issue was identified viewing Word documents (.DOC, .DOCX) in Batch Manager and Document Viewer. These documents would appear as blank in Batch Manager, and generate an error in Document Viewer. This is now fixed.

Note: When installing Office 2016 on a Docman workstation, to ensure full compatibility with .DOC and. DOCX documents in Docman, the Full Installation needs to be selected, including acceptance of the Excel auto-update process.

Multi Site - Backup - Intellisense Licence String

An issue was identified with multi-site installations that prevented the Docman backup from running correctly. This is now fixed.

Maintain Lists - Workflow Templates - Naming

An issue was identified when naming Workflow Templates. It was possible to add a template using the same name as an existing one. This is now fixed, and Docman checks for existing templates of the same name before allowing a new template to be saved.

Note:You must check your current Workflow Templates to ensure there are no duplicates.

Maintain Lists - Workflow Templates - Restricted Actions and Comments

An issue was identified with the "Restrict Actions & Comments" options in Workflow Template Management. Even with restrictions in place, all comments and actions were available for the user receiving the workflow. This is now fixed, and only assigned actions and comments appear if restrictions are assigned.

Document Viewer - Document Deletion - Custom Document Deletion Reasons

An issue was identified when deleting documents if the pre-defined deletion reasons were used. This caused Docman to crash when deleting the documents. This is now fixed.

Workflow - Refresh Key (F5)

An issue was identified with the Workflow F5 (refresh) key not working. This is now fixed.

Workflow - Route Tab - Group Names

An issue was identified in the Route section of the Workflow window where the recipient group was not detailed in full (eg: "Reception" instead of "Reception group"). This is now fixed.

Workflow - Move Workflows

An issue was identified when moving workflows from any user other than the logged-in user. This is now fixed.

Maintain Lists - Workflow - Quick Step - Adding and Deleting Steps

An issue was identified which prevented editing Quick Steps if a step was deleted. This is now fixed.

Workflow - Actions - Declining and Re-Adding Actions

An issue was identified when one of multiple actions was declined in a single workflow. It was not possible to reapply the action. This is now fixed.

Batch Manager - Filing - Adding Comments

An issue was identified when adding comments to a document being filed but not workflowed. On the final filing screen, if the user unticked "Workflow The Document" and selected "Add Comments", then closed or cancelled the Add Comment window, Docman would generate an error. This is now fixed.

Workflow - Multiple Actions in the History Panel

An issue was identified when adding multiple actions to a workflow. Actions were presented in reverse chronological order in the History panel. This could potentially lead to an action recipient performing the incorrect action. This is now fixed, and the actions appear in the correct order.

Document Viewer - Open Document (F2) Function 

An issue was identified with the Open Documents hotkey. Pressing F2 twice in Document Viewer should open the selected document in the Windows-designated external viewer. This was opening the first document in the patient's list instead. This is now fixed, and the F2 key opens the selected document as designed.

Workflow Maintenance - Workflow Templates - Restricted Actions/Comments

An issue was identified with restricting the usable actions and comments in the Manage tab of workflow templates. actions and comments could not be restricted. This is now fixed, and actions and comments can be restricted on any type of workflow template.

Workflow - Multiple Actions - Re-Adding Declined Actions

An issue was identified when declining an action on a workflow that had multiple actions assigned. If the original sender tried to re-add the declined action, an error would occur. This is now fixed.

Document Viewer/Workflow - Show Revisions - .DOC Files

An issue was identified when trying to view document revisions on a .DOC file. This is now fixed, and .DOC document revisions are viewable as normal.

Workflow - Browse Documents - .DOC Files

An issue was identified in the Docman Workflow window when using the Browse Documents function on a .DOC file. This is now fixed.

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