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71280 Release Summary

Docman version 71280 brings you a new login screen and menu design that has a more modern look with a simpler interface providing a more intuitive environment.

The new Docman Main Menu has had a number of features added to it since its first release, but customers tell us they really need access to meaningful information at a glance. The new menu system makes use of colour and user defined layout to give you access to what is important for your work!

New Login Screen design leads you nicely into the new main menu.

The login screen has a more modern look and is easier to read on the screen.

New icon designs present a more intuitive route to features.

The new icons, presented on tiles, deliver a better use of space on the menu screen. Text is clearer and easier to read.

Grouping of features into sub menu screens allows users to focus on the functions they need to access.


We have now grouped features in Docman into Sub Menus to make better use of screen space in the Docman Main Menu. By grouping tiles into sub menus, we have reduced the number of functions that need to display on the main menu, making better use of screen space and making the screens easier to read. But don’t worry about extra key clicks as any frequently use items can be added to your personal main menu.

Live Tiles automatically update.

The notification Centre provides a place where all notifications are in one place. You can use this to go through all your unread items or you can go directly to Collaborator or Workflow to view your unread discussion notes and workflows.

The live tiles display the number of unread items and turn green where items are normal priority or red where you have high priority items.

New Menu layout makes much better use of the available Space.

The menu has a completely different look with a better layout and tiles that are easier to read.


Organisation and system information displays at the top of the screen.


The menu has a completely different look with a better layout and tiles that are easier to read.

On the left, you have the Organisation Name and the Name of the person currently logged in. You also have the Out of Office button so you can easily switch your status. You can click on these tiles to view further information if you wish.

On the right, you have access to the settings and help menus. You also have a Log Out tile which now offers you the option to Log Out or Switch User.

The colours of the Organisation and In/Out Office tile will change if there is any change in status.

When you have read all your unread items, the live tiles will update to display in blue.

New toolbar design is clearer and easier to read.


The new design toolbar fully complements the main menu screen. The new look tiles are incorporated into the toolbar with drop down menus that are a lot easier read on the screen.

Live tiles repeat on the toolbar notification menu. Like the main menu these tiles change colour to red (indicating there are high priority unread items) or green (indicating unread items), the number displaying on the tile denotes the number of unread items regardless of their priority. This we believe will be useful to users working in the clinical system.

Like the live tiles in the main menu, the toolbar live tiles will change to blue once you have read all the unread items.

Access to system features such as Maintain Lists have all been included in the menu group named settings.


The new Settings Menu will give you quick and easy access to features such as Maintain Lists, Menu Options and Administer System.

There is an easy to use back button to return to the main menu.

Faster transition from Docman to Docman Administration.


When accessing the administration module from the new settings menu, the user authenticates automatically so there is no need to log in again.

The New Menu Editor allows you to customize your menu to meet your needs.


The new Menu Editor allows users to create their own personalised menu screens.

They can click the Add action followed by the Add Separator action to add a new column to the menu.

They will then see the result…

Easy click and drag action to reposition tiles in the menu editor makes this an extremely useful tool.


It is easy for users to move tiles. Users just click and drag to the desired location.

Clicking on the Change Style Action will allow users to change the size of the tile.

Users then click Save when finished. This will display the new menu.

In this busy world, you need all areas of your organisation to run smoothly. We have made some minor improvements that will help the user become more effective in their day-to-day work.

The new version of Docman has features that will aid efficiency. Resource sharing in busy areas will be easier and contribute towards raising productivity.

Switch User allows users to close and reopen Docman with a single click.

When the user clicks on the Logout tile, they will see a dialog box that allows them to Exit, Send Docman to the tray or Switch User. Exit logs the user out and closes Docman. Tray leaves the user logged in and sends Docman to the System Tray.

Switch User logs the user out and leaves a Docman Login screen open ready for the next user to log in. You can also specify whether you want to be asked every time or not.

User Reports are now more widely available to users without administrative privileges.

Users will now be able to run some reports without the requirement for a login with administrative level security. This means that users will be able to run some user reports themselves.

Users will then be able to run User Audit Reports by clicking on their name tile at the top of the Main Menu and then the User Audit Tab.

Intellisense Summariser enhancements will drive efficiency and productivity. Time taken to code documents reduces, thus freeing up resource for other tasks.

New and improved features within Docman Intellisense Summariser will enhance the clinical coding experience. These new features improve the user experience and reduce administration time.

Faster document filing


New and improved Patient Matching will now recognise NHS numbers formatted with hyphens (123-456-7890) matching patients more quickly.

Smarter clinical coding.

Users of Intellisense will be familiar with the ranking system used during Patient Matching when filing documents. We have further developed the ranking system to include Read Codes. The suggested read code list will now display with a ranking. Where different terms have the same read code all code related terms display grouped together in the ranking list, the preferred term displays at the top of the group with other terms indented below.

Users can now change the font and size of their OCR text in the Summariser screen.

Whilst clinically coding a document, users can click on the manage tab and select an option to resize the screen font of their displayed document.

This new feature will help users who spend a lot of time coding documents and find the small text difficult to read.

A number of screen dialogs have had check boxes replaced with new style switch buttons.

The new switch buttons offer users a clear Yes or No indication for each option. This is particularly evident in the User security settings.

We have added the ability to search for all checked out documents in the Document Search screen.

We have added the option to search for checked out documents to the document viewer.

When the search results display, users can click a button to cancel the Check Out status of all checked out documents.

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