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You are here: Workflow > iWorkflow > Creation

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Workflow creation is started on the final screen of the document filing process. Check that “Workflow the document” is ticked, then click File Document.

iWorkflow presents you with the workflow templates list. Workflow templates use pre-defined parameters for initial workflow creation to speed up the filing and workflowing process.

The example below shows three templates; Choose a GP, Choose a User and Choose a Group. When these are created the template is configured to present the user with various options. For example, route to a specific user, group or the ability to select a user or group.

The workflow screen gives you a summary of your chosen workflow settings so far, as well as the means to edit these options.


Selecting a workflow category is optional. However, the Tracking and Reporting of Workflows report allows users to filter and report based on this information.

Workflow Due Date

If the workflow template has a pre-defined duration, the workflow due date will auto-calculate and be displayed. Alternatively, a due date can be added or the template's due date amended.

Workflow Priority

The workflow template defaults the priority to normal. However, when configuring the template this can be amended to low or high.

There are options to change the priority of the workflow.

Adding Comments

To add a comment to the workflow, select "Click here to add comments". It is not mandatory to add a comment, however details may be shared in this way. The “freetext” field at the bottom of this screen allows you to add a free text comment, instead of using one of the pre-defined comments.

Route Before Completion

There is an option to route a workflow to a specified user before completion. This can be configured in the workflow template or for an individual workflow.

The "Route Before Completion" option displays a selection box of users. The user selected will have the workflow routed to their intray once any actions have been completed.

Once all of the workflow information has been added, click "Send" to create the workflow and move it to the first recipient.

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