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Docman regularly hosts live training webinars. The webinars are free to attend and are open to all on a first come, first served basis. Please note that places are limited, so book your place quick! Click here for more information.

Best Practice Leaflets

A collection of leaflets demonstrating best practice procedures for aspects of the Docman system have been produced. These are available at this link.

Docman Videos

Click here to view the Docman Quick Videos - a series of short videos demonstrating useful functions of Docman.

Popular Topics

Updating Docman

Moving Intellisense Licences

Synchronising Patients

Changing a User Password

Opening the Docman Scheduler

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install Docman on a new PC?

Please refer to the Docman Client Install guide for a full explanation of the install process.

Why are active patients appearing inactive in Docman?

The most likely cause of this is the patient synchronisation not completely running through during the Docman backup. Click here to see a guide on running a manual patient synchronisation to resolve this.

Click here to view the full list of frequently asked questions.

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